Homes people love to live in
We are committed to ensuring all our customers live in homes that are safe, high quality and sustainable. Everything we do is designed to improve our customers’ homes and build new, much needed ones.
From our roots in social housing, we have expanded our activities to housebuilding and sales, specialist housing for those who need additional support, accommodation for key workers and students, as well as community services and projects.
We have also extended our geographical reach and have activities across London and southern England.
We provide:
- Social and affordable housing
- Key worker, student, intermediate and homebuying offers to help people in different situations and life stages
- Developments to meet housing need
- Community projects to help customers improve their health, wellbeing and finances, giving them more options and life chances
- Temporary and supported accommodation
- Market sale homes.

Where we deliver new homes, we stay on as the landlord, maintaining a long-term relationship with our customers and communities.
Our development strategy focuses on redeveloping our existing homes and building new ones where there is a need for social and affordable homes.
In 2023/24 we reported a turnover of £399.6 million. We have a Fitch A credit rating. And we’re part of the G15, a group of the leading housing associations in London.
We have a set of values designed to meet the needs of our customers, satisfy new and emerging regulatory requirements and help us to be an effective and sustainable organisation for the future:
- determine how we work, how we achieve our vision and strategic objectives, and how we fulfil our purpose
- underpin our purpose, vision, mission and strategy
- drive our behaviours and culture and, therefore, our performance.
Caring by nature
We put people at the heart of everything we do. We treat everyone as individuals and always seek to do the right thing.
Working better together
We collaborate, creating opportunities to innovate and improve. We empower people to achieve great results together and we take responsibility for our actions.
Thinking for tomorrow
We understand and anticipate people’s long-term needs and expectations. We take care to manage the lasting impact we have on everything around us.