Now in their 20th year, the UK Housing Awards reward the innovation, creativity and passion demonstrated by social landlords across the UK.
The commendation for Outstanding Landlord of the Year recognised the Group’s achievements in delivering high quality service and in leading the way in innovative thinking.
As a leading housing provider and developer, A2Dominion builds hundreds of new homes each year to meet a wide range of customer needs.
With a unique approach to housebuilding, surpluses are generated for a social purpose and millions of pounds are reinvested each year into the development of much-needed new homes and to support local communities.
In 2015, it launched a new brand, FABRICA by A2Dominion, to take its sales and marketing activities into a new era.
A2Dominion’s Leasehold Services Team is responsible for managing 7,500 shared ownership, leasehold and
Winners of the UK Housing Awards 2016 were announced at a ceremony on Tuesday 26 April 2016 at the Lancaster London Hotel, presented by Rory Bremner.
A2Dominion a finalist for Outstanding Landlord of the Year
05 February 2016
A2Dominion has been Highly Commended in the Outstanding Landlord of the Year category at the prestigious UK Housing Awards 2016.

The commendation recognised the Group’s achievements in delivering high quality service
The commendation for Outstanding Landlord of the Year recognised the Group’s achievements in delivering high quality service and in leading the way in innovative thinking.
As a leading housing provider and developer, A2Dominion builds hundreds of new homes each year to meet a wide range of customer needs.
With a unique approach to housebuilding, surpluses are generated for a social purpose and millions of pounds are reinvested each year into the development of much-needed new homes and to support local communities.
In 2015, it launched a new brand, FABRICA by A2Dominion, to take its sales and marketing activities into a new era.
A2Dominion’s Leasehold Services Team is responsible for managing 7,500 shared ownership, leasehold and
Winners of the UK Housing Awards 2016 were announced at a ceremony on Tuesday 26 April 2016 at the Lancaster London Hotel, presented by Rory Bremner.