The UK Housing Awards are the symbol of excellence in the Housing sector which aim to provide a platform for industry-wide recognition for landlords and homebuilders.
The Homebuilder of the Year category celebrates outstanding projects and how the delivery of quality homes has had a real impact on residents’ lives.
With over 37,000 homes across London and southern England, A2Dominion has a diverse property portfolio building affordable, private and social rented homes, key worker accommodation as well as supporting housing schemes and homes for older people.
Through our private sale homes and joint venture partnerships, we made £44.9m in 2017/18 for reinvestment into our affordable development programme and achieved an 83% satisfaction rate with our customer contact centre.
Winners for the UK Housing Awards 2019 will be announced at an awards ceremony on 1 May 2019 at the Grosvenor Hotel in London.
A2Dominion shortlisted in the UK Housing Awards 2019
06 February 2019
A2Dominion has been shortlisted for a prestigious UK Housing Award in the Homebuilder of the Year category.
The UK Housing Awards are the symbol of excellence in the Housing sector.
The Homebuilder of the Year category celebrates outstanding projects and how the delivery of quality homes has had a real impact on residents’ lives.
With over 37,000 homes across London and southern England, A2Dominion has a diverse property portfolio building affordable, private and social rented homes, key worker accommodation as well as supporting housing schemes and homes for older people.
Through our private sale homes and joint venture partnerships, we made £44.9m in 2017/18 for reinvestment into our affordable development programme and achieved an 83% satisfaction rate with our customer contact centre.
Winners for the UK Housing Awards 2019 will be announced at an awards ceremony on 1 May 2019 at the Grosvenor Hotel in London.