
A2Dominion retains G1/V2 rating in latest housing regulator assessment

A2Dominion Housing Group Ltd has retained a G1/V2 rating in an in-depth assessment (IDA) by the Housing Regulator.
Anne Waterhouse
A2Dominion Housing Group Ltd has retained a G1/V2 rating in an in-depth assessment (IDA) by the Housing Regulator.
As one of the largest housing providers in London and Southern England, they ensure their surplus is directed back into providing much needed affordable homes, meaning that the Group is well-placed to continue with its development programme.

The Regulator of Social Housing reported that:

“A2Dominion’s compliance with the governance elements of the Governance and Financial Viability Standard remains unchanged. Based on the evidence gained from the IDA, the regulator has assurance that A2Dominion’s governance arrangements enable it to adequately control the organisation and to continue meeting its objectives.”

Anne Waterhouse, A2Dominion’s Interim Group Chief Executive, said:

“We are pleased to have retained our rating, having managed the challenges and risks that exist in our current operating environment. This rating provides assurance for our customers and the wider community, as well as future partnerships, that the organisation is well funded and continues to protect its social housing portfolio.

“The Regulator’s judgement has reaffirmed that the Group is well positioned to deal with the inherent risks of delivering our large and diverse development programme that will create thousands of homes for the future.”

A2Dominion provides affordable, private and social rented homes, with profits fed back into improving services and providing new homes for the future. The Group also offers high-quality sustainable homes for sale and shared ownership, available through its FABRICA by A2Dominion brand.

Read the full report from the Regulator of Social Housing.