Our community work supports thousands of customers and generates over £12m in social value

Our support schemes and community projects generated more than £12 million in social value in 2023/24.
Lucy Jones
Lucy Jones won the Community Champion Award
Colleagues helped to make a positive difference to thousands of customers with support provided to ease some of the pressures of everyday life. This included with employment, training, and financial opportunities.

The Community Impact Report 2023/24 shows our Tenancy Sustainment Team helped 2,245 customers to access more than £9.5 million in grants, benefits and funding.

Colleagues from across the business volunteered more than 800 hours and sourced more than £480,000 of external funding to support community projects, many of which aimed to develop skills, improve mental and physical health.  

Through our partnership with Food Harvest and The Felix Project, five tonnes of surplus food was distributed to 150 families each week, supporting around 600 individuals.

We also hosted 18 community events across London and the South of England, where teams met with customers in-person and raised awareness of the support service available amid rises in the cost of living. They also completed minor repairs and cleared bulk items.

Lucy Jones, an A2Dominion customer, was the winner of this year’s Community Champion Award, which celebrates the hard work and positive impact our customers make towards their communities.

She was given a grant of £500 for her school uniform project. Lucy collects unwanted uniforms, in good condition, for several schools in Spelthorne, Surrey, which many A2Dominion customers’ children attend.

Lucy said: “In some way the school uniform project takes away some of the financial burden on parents and any stigma around providing a uniform, as they don’t have to ask for support from the school.”

Dawn Wightman, Director of Homes and Communities said: “We’re proud to have been able to provide support through the ongoing challenges of cost-of-living pressures.

“This report shines a light on the incredible work our volunteers, partners, funders and our teams have carried out to make a difference to the lives of thousands of customers.”

You can download the full Community Impact report 2023/24 here