Part of the £146,500 grant, which comes as part of the government’s rough sleeping initiative, will establish a Housing First project that A2Dominion will run in partnership with the council.
The Housing First programme aims to help homeless people with multiple and complex needs, or to help people with histories of homelessness to stay in their own home.
A2Dominion will provide intensive personalised support and case management to help people live, and continue to live, in a stable, independent home.
Pam Vasir, Director of Supported Housing at A2Dominion, added: “As a residential property group with a social purpose, projects like this are very important to us. We’re delighted that this funding has been secured due to the tireless work of the Housing team at Spelthorne Borough Council. Our supported living services are geared towards addressing all elements of homelessness, so this money will be put to good use to help the community in Spelthorne.”
Cllr Amar Brar, Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “I would like to congratulate the Housing team for their fantastic work in securing this vital funding that will help us combat this issue. This is very exciting news for us, which not only means that we can continue the work which we are already undertaking, but we can also develop new services to support those at risk of or currently sleeping rough in Spelthorne. The funding we received last year has already helped 11 rough sleepers off the streets and into settled accommodation. We also recently concluded our homelessness consultation and we will be presenting our final draft homelessness strategy to Cabinet for approval in March.”
A2Dominion and Spelthorne Council tackle homelessness with new funding
25 February 2020
A2Dominion is set to step up its work with Spelthorne Borough Council tackling homelessness following an injection of funding from MHCLG for rough sleeper services.

A2Dominion is set to step up its work with Spelthorne Borough Council tackling homelessness
The Housing First programme aims to help homeless people with multiple and complex needs, or to help people with histories of homelessness to stay in their own home.
A2Dominion will provide intensive personalised support and case management to help people live, and continue to live, in a stable, independent home.
Pam Vasir, Director of Supported Housing at A2Dominion, added: “As a residential property group with a social purpose, projects like this are very important to us. We’re delighted that this funding has been secured due to the tireless work of the Housing team at Spelthorne Borough Council. Our supported living services are geared towards addressing all elements of homelessness, so this money will be put to good use to help the community in Spelthorne.”
Cllr Amar Brar, Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “I would like to congratulate the Housing team for their fantastic work in securing this vital funding that will help us combat this issue. This is very exciting news for us, which not only means that we can continue the work which we are already undertaking, but we can also develop new services to support those at risk of or currently sleeping rough in Spelthorne. The funding we received last year has already helped 11 rough sleepers off the streets and into settled accommodation. We also recently concluded our homelessness consultation and we will be presenting our final draft homelessness strategy to Cabinet for approval in March.”